Duolun Moma Shanghai
Shoshan and Matalon display three installations of laboratory landscapes.
Each installation is in fact, an artificial landscape that withholds it's own system of codes.The first installation is the first step in the process of transformation.
The dismantled landscape is portrayed through a dense physical texture created by a standard form of drawing.
In the second installation, the landscape spreads upon tens of meters as a drawing in action, as a collection of encoded shapes.This landscape was created in collaboration with local artists who have no relation to the original one.
In the third installation, the landscape spreads upon tens of meters of sound sketches. The cell information of the landscape receives a new dimension of time, movement andsound.
This project represents an attempt to disassemble local Israeli landscape from the myths and ideological baggage it carries.At the same time, it is also an attempt to dismantle drawing from its own myths by building a new language and practice.