Environmental Aspects in the Works of Itzhak Danziger
PeKa Gallery, Technion, Haifa
Itzhak Danziger, 1968 Israel Prize laureate and a professor in the Technion Faculty of Architecture, will always be remembered as an artist, a sculptor, an educator and a
landscape designer, who left his mark on the Israeli art world and on Israeli cultural consciousness as a whole.
The current exhibition Earth. Water. Tree. focuses on Danzigers later works, from the beginning of the 1970s until his death in 1977. His interest in those years was in garden design, and the study, drawing and photography of holy places, ritual sites and landscapes. The exhibition recreates two legendary installations: Hanging Artificial Landscape and Aqueduct" These ambitious projects, like his concept of landscape in general, demonstrate his belief in the role of the artist as an intermediary between art in all its different disciplines and science and technology, and as a social healer.His contribution to both artistic theory and practical creativity inspired a new aesthetic language, paving the way for even marginalized members of society to put down roots and become an integral part of the landscape, appreciate its natural cycles, and make it flourish without attempting to return it to what it once was.