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The Bride #1

Daniel Shoshan | Amit Matalon | Sharon Yavo Ayalon | Lola Ben Alon | Keren Mor | Menashe Noy
Performance and Urban intervention
Downtown Haifa, Israel
December 2011

the bride #1 was held in a gallery space and projected into the street. Inside the gallery were two sets. The first set was of a dressing room, in whichart.espionage agents were filmed getting ready to a become brides. The second set was a long shot of a catwalk, on which the new brides showed themselves in varied absurd ways.

The viewers were located in the street below watching thetwo scenes simultaneously. The event was a visual phenomenon that challenged the routine reciprocal relations between internal/external spaces and theperformer/viewer relationship.


Architecture & Experimental Art Lab

Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, Haifa

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